The hearts of athletes failing is the unfortunate result of an acidic lifestyle and diet that leads to acidic blood as see in the picture above. Heart attacks are not something that you get or just suddenly happens. Heart attacks are something that you do with your lifestyle and dietary choices. The heart is a muscle and is weaken by metabolic and dietary acids - such as lactic acid from dairy products or oxygen deprivation or uric and nitric acid from eating animal proteins or from the degeneration of body cells. The ultimate prevention to a stroke or a sudden heart attack is living an alkaline lifestyle and eating an alkaline diet. I would also suggest testing the blood at least twice a year. This would include standard medical blood tests as well as a live and dried blood test. The live and dried blood tests will show if there is ANY potential danger or potential of a sudden heart failure. Prevention is the key and the key to prevention is an alkaline lifestyle and diet and the proper analytical testing.
The Hearts of Athletes (1 Letter)
Published: April 18, 2011
To the Editor:
Re “Focus on Heart Deaths in Student-Athletes” (Vital Signs, April 12): Physicals that rely on stethoscope, personal and family history do not adequately identify many whose lives are at risk for sudden cardiac arrest. Most athletes who die on the field have experienced no symptoms prior to their death.
Communities should insist on automated external defibrillators(A.E.D.’s), CPR/A.E.D. training and emergency response plans wherever youth play. We have the tools and technology available to save young lives. We should be using them, or live with the fact that kids will continue to die while we debate whether they’re worth saving.
Michele Snyder
Northbrook, Ill.
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