Bragging Rights

It’s my blog and I can brag if I want to! This is no April fools joke...I ran four miles on Friday April 1st and I ran four miles today. I didn't want to post this on Friday in case it was a fluke and something messed up with the treadmill, but because I did it again today that confirms it. This is such a great feeling of accomplishment. I have not ran over 3 miles since the 2010 Johnnycake Jog last July. I still remember the pain of that race. It was horrible and I said I would never run 5 miles again. I may have to eat those words! If I can run 4 miles and still function through out the day, then with a little more training I can do the 5 miles again. I was always one of these people that could never catch their breath when running. I have finally passed this stage. I CAN BREATH! Maybe I am experiencing this runners high that runners say they get. I am not sure but it feels great. For those of you who say you can not run...I am here to tell you, that you can. If I started running at the age of 46 you can do it too.


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