Three Girls Die From HPV Vaccination and The Truth About HPV

Vaccinations amid controversy over state legislatures
in the U.S. requiring young girls to take Gardasil,
Merck's new vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV),
severe side effects are being reported.

1,637 adverse reactions have been reported by Judicial
Watch, a public interest watchdog, including three girls
who died shortly after receiving the immunization.

Judicial Watch obtained the reports from the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration using the Freedom of
Information Act.

In Australia, 25 girls who had just received their
first injection of the vaccine experienced headache,
nausea, and dizziness. In some cases, the problems
were so severe that they were hospitalized.

The good news is that shares of the vaccine's
Australian developer, CSL, fell after the incident
was reported in the news.

Immunity is not found in poisoning the body with
acidic vaccines but in maintaining the alkaline
design of the body fluids.

What I have discovered is that immunity is found in
the alkaline pH of the fluids of the body at 7.365.

Immunity is not found in the White Blood Cells as
currently taught by current medical savants!

The purpose of the White Blood Cell is to the maintain
the cleanliness of the body fluids - not in destroying
some invading phantom or contagious virus.

Last week I had a wonderful email from a young
woman who was diagnosed with HPV. She DID NOT
have the HPV vaccine but started the pH Miracle
Living Plan with the pHour salts and pHlavor salts.

She went back for a re-test 3 months
later and doctors could not find any titers of HPV.


The reason medical tests could not find any titers of
HPV? HPV is not a micro-organism but an acidic liquid
waste product from an over-acidic lifestyle and diet.

The latin word for virus is poison. The posion
or virus in the body that can make us sick, tired
and fat is an acidic liquid waste product from
metabolism and diet.

The key to a healthy body and to reverse the
symptoms of any dis-ease is to buffer and eliminate
these dietary and metaboloic acids from the body.

The best way to buffer and eliminate dietary and
metabolic acid is to supplement the diet with the
natural mineral salts found in pHour salts and pHlavor

To order pHour Salts and/or pHlavor Salts go to:

The only thing you prove when you vaccinate with ANY
vaccine is that you can poison yourself while putting
your health and life at risk!

The reason more people do not die from vaccination is
found in the body's response to the acidic vaccine by
the immediate release of the most important alkaline
buffer in the body, known as sodium bicarbonate.

To learn more about pH Miracle Living and to protect
yourself from the acidic waste products of metabolism
and diet, go to: or


British Medical Journal June 9, 2007;334:1182-1183
Sick and Tired, Woodland Publishing, 2000. A Second
Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS

Copyright © 2007 by Robert O. Young, Ph.D


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