Want to lose some fat? Time to get your PHD

Of course you would, that was a silly question.

I am a strong believer that you must journal everything you put in your mouth. I recently read an article where a trainer called the food journal a PHD – Pie Hole Diary. Whatever you call it, get yourself a notebook and “if you bite it write it”.  Do you know what you ate fore lunch 10 days ago? Of course not and that is why you need to write it down. A short pencil beats a long memory!

Weight changes and fat changes should never surprise you. If you are tracking your food, you will be more aware of what you are putting into your body. Most people who feel they need to lose weight have a misconception on how much they eat and what they eat. The simple addition of a food log makes a MASSIVE improvement in the speed of fat loss results.

One of my clients told me she does not have time to write down her daily food intake. Not wanting to let her off the hook with this excuse, I came up with a solution for her. Take a picture of everything you put in your mouth and email it to me. Most people have camera phones now, so this was fairly easy for her. She emails me about 6 times a day and I pick apart her food choices and email her back. It works!

Make no mistake, this is a critical item.


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