Lose Weight with a Lucky Charm

I am a big fan of visual reminders of my goals. If you hop on a scale, or try on your skinny jeans once a week as a check on your progress, what keeps us making the right choices the rest of the time?

A lucky charm can be a reminder...a simple trick to keep our long term goals front and center. This can go a long way when you are tempted by that cupcake or the extra serving of mashed potatoes.

Last year I was a contestant in "The News-Herald Lighten Up Contest". I wore a bracelet for the entire 6 months and never took it off. The bracelet said "Live the Life you Love" on one side, and the other side said "Love the Life you Live". Similar to the bracelet in the picture below. This was my visual lucky charm and it served as a constant reminder of my weight loss goals.

I now wear the bracelet from Dr. OZ that says "Just 10" This is my Lucky charm reminding me that I still want to lose 10 more pounds. Well....really 20 more pounds but I set small goals to get to the main goal.

Do you wear a lucky charm as a reminder?


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