Lifestyle and Diet Can Cause Changes in the Human Gene

There is a dangerous game called Russian
Roulette. The way it works is you take
a gun and insert one bullet into the chamber.
You then spin the chamber. After spinning
the chamber several times you put the barrel
of the gun up to your head and then pull the
trigger. Your hope and prayer is that the
chamber is empty when you pull the trigger.
If you do not blow your head off then you
win the game.

The reason I am sharing with you this
dangerous game is that billions of people
unknowingly are playing this stupid game
every day with their acidic lifestyle and
dietary choices.

You see, Russian Roulette is a metaphor
for a persons acidic lifestyle and dietary
choices that can lead to all sickness and

The bullet is a representation of genetic
weakness. The trigger is a representation
of acidic lifestyle and dietary choice.
When you continue to pull the acidic lifestyle
and dietary choice trigger eventually you will
fire the genetic weakness bullet that then leads
to all sickness, dis-ease and disease.

Today, U.S researchers stated that comprehensive
lifestyle and dietary changes including more
exercise can lead not only to a better physique,
but also to swift and dramatic changes at the
genetic level.

Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at The
pH Miracle Living Center suggests, "genetic
weakness and genetic strength are specifically
tied to lifestyle and dietary choice. The genes
of our cells remain healthy and strong and will
function optimally when bathed in an alkaline

In a small study, the researchers tracked 30 men
with low-risk prostate cancer who decided against
conventional medical treatment such as surgery
and radiation or hormone therapy.

The men underwent three months of major lifestyle
changes, including eating a diet rich in alkaline
fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and soy
products, moderate exercise such as walking for half
an hour a day, and an hour of daily stress management
methods such as meditation.

As expected, they lost weight, lowered their blood
pressure and saw other health improvements. But the
researchers found more profound changes when they
compared prostate biopsies taken before and after
the lifestyle and dietary changes.

After the three months, the men had changes in
activity in about 500 genes -- including 48 that
were turned on and 453 genes that were turned off.

The activity of dis-ease-preventing genes increased
while a number of dis-ease-promoting genes, including
those involved in prostate cancer and breast cancer,
shut down, according to the study published in the
journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The research was led by Dr. Dean Ornish, head of the
Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito,
California, and a well-known author advocating lifestyle
changes to improve health.

"It's an exciting finding because so often people say,
'Oh, it's all in my genes, what can I do?' Well, it
turns out you may be able to do a lot," stated Dr.

"'In just three months, I can change hundreds of my
genes simply by changing what I eat and how I live?'
That's pretty exciting," Ornish said. "The implications
of our study are not limited to men with prostate

Ornish said the men avoided conventional medical
treatment for prostate cancer for reasons separate
from the study. But in making that decision, they
allowed the researchers to look at biopsies in
people with cancer before and after lifestyle changes.

"It gave us the opportunity to have an ethical reason
for doing repeat biopsies in just a three-month period
because they needed that anyway to look at their
clinical changes (in their prostate cancer),"
Ornish said.

According to Dr. Young, "genes are not living. For
if they were living they would know no death and
would be physiologically imperishable. But genes
do disorganize and perish. Genes are organizations of
living intelligent matter that is indestructible.
This indestructible matter that makes up all genes
was first identified by a French medical doctor
Antione BeChamp in the late 19th century and is
called the microzyma. According to BeChamp the
microzyma knows no death but only change. The
change in genes is microzymian change and is
initiated by lifestyle and dietary choice."

"The knowledge that organized matter, cells, and
genes are all made up of intelligent indestructible
microzymas and are only subject to change, based
upon lifestyle and dietary choice is a significant
discovery in the prevention and treatment of ALL
sickness and dis-ease!" states Dr. Young.


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