What is your FITNESS Goal?

I was thinking the other day about what makes some of my clients successful and others...not so much. For example I have two female clients that I was comparing. Client A is 5'6", 130ish pounds and has 18% body fat. Client B is the same height 5'6", and the same weight 130ish, but has 32% body fat. Trust me when I tell you that client A looks much, much smaller than client B. They look drastically different, even though they are the same height and weight.

My point is that the number on the scale should not be your only fitness goal. Set specific goals! My most successful clients are ones that set fitness goals and not weight loss goals. Women seem to be so wrapped up in the number on the scale.

If you are reading this I would like you to set a fitness goal. It may be to run a 5K, 10K or even just to walk these. It can also be something as small as, 5 boy push-ups, to hold a wall sit for 2 minutes. Find a reasonable goal and work towards accomplishing it! One you have done it, find another goal to work towards. I think you will have more success this way. Write your goal down and post it somewhere you see everyday.

I want all of my clients to set a fitness goal and email it to me, so I can help you with it. What will your fitness goal be?

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