The Lion Who Would Not Eat Meat!

Earlier this century, a female African lion, born
and raised in America, lived her entire lifetime
of nine years without ever eating meat.


Read Genesis 1:30, and you will have your answer.

"And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl
of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon
the earth, wherein there is life, I have given
every GREEN HERB for meat: and it was so."'

From the beginning, we were designed to be
vegetarians or even better alkalarians - this
also includes all animals. Every living thing
that has the breath of life and moves on
this earth is alkaline by design, however acidic
by function. Eating the flesh and blood of other
animals was first introduced by the Babylonians
and is highly acidic to our body and destroys our
alkaline design. This is also true with animals.
When we started eating meat they started eating
meat. When we stop eating meat they will stop
eating meat.

The most loving of animals that I have had the
privilege of working with have never tasted the
flesh and blood of another animal. They love their
green herbs, like broccoli. These vegetarian or no
longer or never eating meat animals are strong
healthy and smart. Being strong, healthy and smart
is a promise to ALL who will eat green foods and
forsake the eating of animal flesh and blood.

To read the whole story go to:

We have a vivid reminder of the prophecies of Isaiah 11:7
and 65:25, which states, '...the lion will eat straw like
the ox.'

The day will soon come when the lion will lay down with
the lamb in love and peace. This will happen when we
lead by example by NOT eating the lamb. When we stop
eating the flesh and blood of other animals then the
animals will stop eating the flesh and blood of other

As Gandhi so elegantly stated, "we must be the change
we want of see."

In love and healing light,

Robert O. Young D.Sc., Ph.D.

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