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Archives for January 2012
New Acidic Neurotoxic Sweetener from Monsanto!
FDA’s New Claim: “Your Body Is a Drug—and We Have the Authority to Regulate It!”
Dr Young is Nominated for the "Best In Alternative" Medicine
Greek Study Shows EMF Impacts the Brain Related to Learning, Memory and Alzheimer's
Are Electric or Hybrid Cars Cancer Causing?
Are Cell Phones Cancer Causing?
Cell Phone Hazards: The End of an Era Part 2
Cell Phone Hazards: The End of an Era Part 1
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Visit The pH Miracle Living Center/Rancho del Sol - Limited Time Special Pricing
For those who have always wanted to take advantage of the personal healing touch of the pH Miracle Center, and visit the Rancho De...
(Dis)Connected: MTV Explores the Impact of Digital Drama on the Health and Safety of Young People
On Sunday October 10, 2011, MTV will premiere "(Dis)Connected" . The movie will explore the experiences of four young people. Th...
Sodium Bicarbonate In The Prevention and Reversal of All Dis-Ease
Over the last decade, Dr. Ralph Moss, at the University of Arizona has been researching the use of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) as a potentia...
Utah Becomes the First State to Ban the Toxic Vaccine Gardasil
The Great State of Utah does the right thing and bans the toxic vaccine Gardasil!! Other states need to WAKE UP and stop injuring and/or kil...
Support the National Vaccine Information Center
Support the National Vaccine Information Center https://www.facebook.com/national.vaccine.information.center — with Rick Duarte and Matt...
What Are The Benefits of L-Arginine M
In 1998 three American scientists won the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering the role that Nitric Oxide plays in the cardiovascular sys...
Animal Theory, Going Feral in 2012
Since the late 1970s, scholarship in the field of human and nonhuman animal relations --a development of animal, environmental, and social l...
Dr. Dwight Lundell, M.D. Validates Dr. Robert O. Young's Inflammatory or Acid Theory!
WORLD RENOWNED HEART SURGEON SPEAKS OUT ON WHAT REALLY CAUSES HEART DISEASE We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority oft...
Acidic FLu Vaccines - An Increased Risk For Children!
Acidic flu vaccine does not help children with influenza acidic symptoms stay out of the hospital, but instead, increases their risk of bein...
Why didn’t I think of that?
I recently purchased an air rope. Your asking what is an air rope, aren’t you? It is the coolest piece of exercise equipment, and I am just ...
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